Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Manny and Susan

What does Manny Pacquiao and Susan Boyle have in common? Well, they both just stunned the world with their incredible performances in their respective fields. They both single-handedly dropped their foes with their tremendous skills and talents in front of skeptical audiences. They are both worthy of their achievements.

The boxing world was startled by the explosive performance of Manny when he TKO'd Ricky Hatton in just 6 minutes of their World Championship fight last May 2. Susan on the other hand, became a web sensation when she surprised British Got Talent judges and audiences with her endearing rendition of I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables. And she is a 47 year-old aspiring professional singer. Her Youtube video hit 30 million in just a matter of weeks.

You can say that the entire world is their stage. And we are just mere enthralled spectators, watching these amazing and talented individuals who just came out of nowhere. And ultimately proven themselves that they can conquer the world with their bare talents. Their amazing stories from virtually unknown to famous figures captivated the whole planet. Their rise to fame is not by accident but by sheer dedication, riveting confidence and polished skills. Manny is the best in his craft right now and Susan is an awesome rising star in her own right. They both earned it and they are now reaping their rewards.

Two belittled individuals, two admired stars, two inspirations. And the world is just awestruck.

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