Thursday, August 20, 2009

Life is like an engineering problem

Life is like an engineering problem. You’ll never find a solution until you start solving. Sometimes it is so complex you may not want to begin solving it. Oftentimes it is so simple that we complicate it so much we miss every bit of the simplest solution in the first place.

Sometimes we can readily solve it ourselves. But oftentimes we need others to even comprehend the problem. There's not a single unique solution for it or one fool-proof design but rather a series of workarounds or a number of patches. For if you miss one opportunity, you'll make it more complicated than before.

But like every engineering creation, life is a wonder, a marvel, an amazing masterpiece for us to cherish and appreciate. For every drip of sweat and time you devote in solving life, there corresponds a rewarding achievement. Each of us are engineers of life. We design our own goal. We build our own dreams. We plan our steps. And like famous engineers, it is in the end that we are eventually remembered for our achievements.

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