Sunday, January 03, 2010

The New Year is a Rainbow

Majestic but devious Mayon Volcano as captured by NASA's Satellite

The tragedy of Ondoy and Pepeng.

The massacre in Maguindanao.

Our country was engulfed by tragedies upon tragedies upon tragedies last year. Two super typhoons that brought mayhem killing hundreds, sea tragedies that shouldn't have happened during holidays, a demonic leader that massacred civilians and journalists and the imminent eruption of a devious volcano displacing tens of thousands. A gloomy year indeed that blanketed our bright outlook for a better tomorrow. But some how, we were able to celebrate the holidays with great joy and jovial merrymaking. We celebrated Christmas and welcomed the new year with great optimism. Amidst the colorful decorations, grand fireworks and blissful celebration is a bundle of hope that the new year will bring a better life.

A new year is a rainbow. A symbol of a bright new start after a great storm. Just like a rainbow, we look up to it as a sign. A sign of a brighter tomorrow, a sign of a better life, a sign of a a happier living. The new year is a rainbow of hope. Our hope, our aspiration, our dream that this year and all the years to come will be a far better year from what we previously had.

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