Thursday, December 27, 2007

Life Metaphors

I have amassed a collection of life metaphors. Some were personally authored by me, and some I obtained from the net and other sources. The comparisons of life to things and objects are very intersting to note and if you have other ideas please free to add one. Thanks. Have fun reading!

Life is like a seed. It will never grow unless planted and nourished.

Life is like a river. With all its bends and rapid falls, one must follow the right path or else you'll lost your way to the sea.

Life is like a box of chocolates. You'll never know what you're going to get.

Life is like a bagel. It's delicious when it's fresh and warm, but often it's just hard. The hole is the middle is its great mystery, and yet it wouldn't be a bagel without it.

Life is like eating grapefruit. First you have to break through the skin; then it takes a couple of bites to get used to the taste, and just as you begin to enjoy it, it squirts you in the eye.

Life is like a banana. You start out green and get soft and mushy with age. Some people want to be one of the bunch while others want to be top banana. You have to take care not to slip on externals. And, finally, you you have to strip off the outer coating to get at the meat.

Life is like cooking. It all depends on what you add and how you mix it. Sometimes you follow the recipe and at other times, you're creative.

Life is like a jigsaw puzzle, but you don't have the picture on the front of the box to know what it's supposed to look like. Sometimes, you're not even sure if you've got all the pieces.

Life is like a maze in which you try to avoid the exit.

Life is like riding an elevator. It has a lot of ups and downs and someone is always pushing your buttons. Sometimes you get the shaft, but what really bothers you are the jerks.

Life is like a room full of open doors that close as you get older.

Life is like a puppy dog always searching for a street full of fire hydrants.

Life is like a poker game. You deal or are dealt to. It includes skill and luck. You bet, check, bluff, and raise. You learn from those you play with. Sometimes you win with a pair or lose with a full house. But whatever happens, it's best to keep on shuffling along.

Life is like a novel. You are the author and everyday is a new page.

Life is like photography. We develop from negatives.

Life is like money. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once.

Life is like an onion. You peel off layer after layer and sometimes you weep.

Life is like a whisper. If you only try and stop wailing you'll suddenly realize that it is there.

Life is like a pencil. You can be sharpened, you can correct mistakes, and you can leave a mark.

These last two are not really metaphors but kinda love including them in the list. I figured I don't have anywhere to post them but here. They are just spurt of the moment ideas...

Life is crazy, but only for those who have no plans for it.

Life is unfair if you don't have the wisdom to understand it.

Click here for more Life Metaphors...


Anonymous said...

these r ok but did u no they're actually similies not metaphors u need 2 take out the "like" in each one as this is what makes it a similie

butterfly said...

life is like blogging...once you write something, you tend to keep on blogging, no matter if anyone reads it or not. =)

ur mom.! said...

Shes or he is right this is a simile but idc I took out the like nd thnxz who ev u r u just helpd me with y gay project lol

Unknown said...

good, but the ones you said are not actually metaphors are actually the only metaphors on the whole page. the others are all similes (a comparison using like or as). a metaphor is a comparison without using like or as.

Unknown said...

good, but the ones you said are not actually metaphors are actually the only metaphors on the whole page. the others are all similes (a comparison using like or as). a metaphor is a comparison without using like or as.

Unknown said...

It's a extended metaphors :| not a simile...

Unknown said...

It's a extended metaphors :| not a simile...

Unknown said...

A metaphor is a direct comparison, whereas a simile is saying two objects are similar. Some of these are metaphors and other aren't. The word "like" is somewhat irrelevant.

Unknown said...

those arent metaphors a metaphor is a comparison without using like or as

Shashi Dip said...

Nice read. Loved all quotes.

Madonaldo said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Life is like a game play it well.

Unknown said...

Life is like a journey keep going ahead.

Unknown said...

none of these are metaphors like it says

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Stole my words

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Unknown said...

Life is a like ice cream enjoy it before it melt

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Life is like a song,sing it well.....

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